Past Events
February 2025 session:
Social media management
Date: 24 February 2025 15.00 CET
Description: This session will be dedicated to the social media management. Our great speakers from FISU Media and International Padel Federation will speak about the communication strategies of federations and will share with you latest trends.
January 2025 session:
Midterm results of the
FISU Student Ambassadors programme
Date: 27 January 2025 15.00 CET
Description: During this session FISU Stuednt Ambassadors share the progress with their action plan activities, receive information on the midterm reports and discuss further plans for 2025.
December 2024 session:
Volunteer management
Date: 23 December 2024 15.00 CET
Description: Our December session is traditionally dedicated to the International volunteer day. Our speakers will share their experience in volunteer management at sport events and teach FISU Student Ambassadors how to run volunteer programme. The session will end with season greetings.
November 2024 session:
Public speaking
Date: 25 November 2024 15.00 CET
Description: Our guest speaker will teach FISU Student Ambassadors the skills of public speaking. This interactive training will also have some practice exercises.
October 2024 session:
Group proposals presentations. How to work with your federation.
Date: 28 October 2024 15.00 CET
Description: At this session FISU Student Ambassadors will make group presentations on their proposals. Then FISU Student committee members will guide students on how to work with their federations. FISU Springboard programme news will be announced.
September 2024 session: Meet your group. Learn how to write proposals
Date: 30 September 2024 15.00 CET
Description: This is the first session where participants will be gathered in 4 groups and will start working on the first activity: group proposal writing
2024 FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy
Date: 13-14 September 2024 15.00 CET
Description: The FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy is a unique educational event designed to give emerging leaders a variety of lectures and seminars about international university sport and FISU (F), how to manage volunteer programmes (V), how to become leaders (L) and then apply them in their national or continental university sport federations. After FVLA students receive the status of the FISU Student Ambassador for the year (A).
Get ready for IDUS 2024
Date: 29 July 2024 15.00 CET
Description: During our traditional session in July about IDUS participants will learn more about the International Day of University Sport celebrated on 20 September. They will have a chance to listen to the news and share their ideas to get ready for IDUS.
2024 FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy
Date: 24 June 2024 15.00 CET
Description: During the first introduction part of the FVLA 2024 participants will have a chance to learn more about FISU and the results of the FISU Student Ambassadors programme season 2023/24.
Date: 27 May 2024 15.00 CET
Description: During this session FVLA community will be able to learn more about sustainability questions in FISU, its partners, worldwide and take part in discussions regards to FISU sustainability mission/goals

National Volunteer Leaders Academies
Date: 29 April 2024 15.00 CET
Description: During this session FVLA community will be able to learn more about organising national academies by looking at examples of successful national academies across the world
Gender Equality Webinar
Date: 11 March 2024 15.00 CET
Description: As the part of the Gender Equality FISU activities, this webinar will be celebrating examples of gender equality best practices within university sport, with presentations from the two recipients of the 2023 FISU Gender Equality Awards.In addition, the Co-Chair of the International Working Group Women & Sport will address several contemporary challenges relating to gender equality in sports.
Social media management
Date: 26 February 2024 15.00 CET
Description: At this very much requested session participants learnt more about FISU official communication channels, listened to the latest trends from FISU media, were invited to join the challenge from Torino 2025 OC and attended a workshop on tips and tricks of Instagram from the experts in the field.
Midterm results of the FISU Student Ambassadors programme
Date: 29 January 2024 15.00 CET
Description: During this session midterm results of the FISU Student Ambassadors programme will be shared with participants. They will have a chance to listen to the progress of action plans of some of the students too.
Volunteer Management
Date: 18 December 15.00 CET
Description: December session for the FISU Student Ambassadors is always dedicated to the International Volunteer Day celebrated on 5 December. Participants learn how to build volunteer programme for any event, share their volunteer experience and discuss upcoming volunteer opportunities.
FISU Committees
Date: 27 November 15.00 CET
Description: FISU Committees were introduced at this session, the work of the FISU Student committee was explained.
Proposal writing and Student Springboard programme
Date: 30 October 15.00 CET
Description: During this session participants presented their group work where they worked on proposal writing together. FISU Education committee introduced the FISU Student Springboard programme.
FVLA 2023 (Part 2)
Date: 7-9 September 15.00-18.30 CET
Description: During three online days you will learn a lot more about F (FISU) - V (Volunteer Management) - L (Leadership skills) - A (Ambassadors programme). Nominated candidates from NISF/CUSF will be awarded the status of the FISU Student Ambassador for season 2023/24 and start working on their individual action plans to develop University sport in their countries
Get ready for IDUS
Date: 21 July 4 pm CEST

Description: During our traditional session in July about IDUS participants will learn more about the International Day of University Sport celebrated on 20 September. They will have a chance to listen to the news and share their ideas to get ready for IDUS.
FVLA 2023 (Part 1)
Date: 23 June 2023 at 13:00 CET

Description: This session will outline current happenings with FISU, will introduce the 2023 FVLA participants, and will highlight the results from the 2022-2023 FISU Student Ambassador programme.
Dual Career Webinar by the FISU Education committee
Date: 2 May 2023 at 13:00 CET

Description: More information at
Session with WADA: Being an Ambassador for Clean Sport
Date: 24 April 2023 at 15 CET

Description:The session will provide an overview of the clean sport / anti-doping system, examine what clean sport means to athletes, and explore how a FISU ambassador can contribute to the mission of clean sport.
Gender Equality for Sustainable University Sports
Date: 9 March 2023 at 15 CET

Description: As part of the International Women's Day 2023, this webinar will be celebrating examples of gender equality in the university sport sector, with presentations from the FISU members followed by group discussion about activities in different federations. At the end of the webinar we will launch the FISU Gender Equality Awards 2023 nominations.
Cultural webinar on Oceania
Date: 27 February 2023 at 7 am CET

Description: Oceania might be a long way from the rest of the world, but it is where you will find the most welcoming and friendliest peoples who will open their homes and hearts to ensure you visit is one to remember. Attending this webinar will be one for you to remember, don't miss out!
Midterm progress and plans for the FISU Student Ambassadors programme
Date: 30 January 4 pm CET

Description: This is the webinar to discuss the progress of the FISU Student Ambassadors programme September 2022-January 2023. Current student ambassadors will make presentations on their projects and ask questions about 2023 plans.
Volunteering at educational, social and sport events.
Date: 19 December 4 pm CET

Description: During this webinar participants will hear volunteering stories from 4 events and 4 continents. Do you want to know about volunteering at FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022? Have you heard of the FISU World Forum 2022 in Costa Rica? How social volunteering is different from volunteering at other events? Join us for the monthly meeting on 19 Dec to celebrate international volunteer day and to wish your friends from all over the world a happy holiday season.
Cultural webinar on Americas
Date: 28 November 7pm CET

Description: During this webinar participants will hear 3 stories about volunteering at different types of events. have a chance to know about beautiful countries members of FISU America. They will get acquainted with the culture, customs and traditions of diverse American countries.
Dual career webinar by the FISU Education Committee
Date: 4 October

Description: Join the webinar to learn about dual career from 3 sides: FISU activities in the field, perspective of the national university sport federation and story from the life of the student athlete.
FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy 2022 (Part II)
Date: 2-3 September

Description: During the main session of FVLA 2022 in September participants will have a 2 day training on FISU history, its events and opportunities, volunteer management, soft skills and networking and also learn all aspects of the FISU Student Ambassadors programme to proceed with the programme during season 2022/23.
Get ready for IDUS
Date: 29 July 4 pm CEST

Description: During our traditional session in July about IDUS participants will learn more about the International Day of University Sport celebrated on 20 September. They will have a chance to listen to the news and share their ideas to get ready for IDUS.
FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy

(Part 1)
Date: 17 June from 1 to 3 pm CEST

Description: During the first part of FVLA participants will be able to learn more about the FISU, its event and opportunities, to listen about the results of the FISU Student Ambassadors programme in 2021/2022 and to meet new friends from all over the world.
Inclusive Sport
Date: 22 April 4 pm CEST

Description: During this session FVLA community will be able to learn more about the inclusion in sport in general and see the examples of different approaches in different national university sport federations.
Meet the Continent: Asia
Date: 18 March 4 pm CET

Description: Inform and educate attendees about Asian Continent and simultaneously give them an opportunity to get acquainted with the culture, customs and traditions of diverse Asian countries. Additionally, for them to obtain an image of Asia and their current affairs, and be entertained with games and various activities.
Event Management
Date: 18 February 4 pm CET

Description: Event-management is an essential part of student and sporting world within a university. How do we organise it? What makes a perfect event? Do we need millions of dollars or just a well-equipped team? All of these questions will be covered by the experienced team of the FISU Student Ambassadors Programme (Event department)! Don't miss such a unique opportunity to get skilled. Mike looks forward to bringing offline magic to live! You will have a chance to see the example of the well-organised event from our FISU Student Ambassador from Lebanon.
Culture of the European continent
Date: 14 January 4 pm CET

Description: Inform and educate attendees about the European Continent and simultaneously give them an opportunity to get acquainted with the culture, customs and traditions of diverse European countries. Additionally, for them to obtain an image of Europe and their current affairs, and be entertained with games and various activities.
Meet the African Continent
Date: 20 November 4pm CEST

Description: To inform and educate FISU Student Ambassadors about the African Continent and simultaneously give them an opportunity to get acquainted with the culture, customs and traditions of diverse African countries. Additionally, for them to obtain an image of African countries and their current affairs, and to be entertained with games and various activities.
Volunteering and Christmas celebrations
Date: 22 December 4pm CET

Description: During the webinar, you will be able to learn more about the volunteer movement around the world and to share the volunteer experience with everyone. Moreover, we are going to celebrate the upcoming winter holidays together!
Dual career
Date: 15 October 4pm CEST

Description: Current dual career research, FISU dual career activations and initiatives, personal histories of dual career pathways, potential contemporary challenges for student-athletes, pathways to academics and work from sport, international federation initiatives to address dual-career challenges.
FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy 2021
Date: 8-10 September 12:00 pm CEST

Description:FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy (FVLA) is a unique educational project serving as a platform for communication between the leaders of students of national and continental university sport federations.
Discussion on results of the FISU Student Ambassadors programme 2020/21
Date: 13 August 4 pm CEST

Description: FISU Student Ambassadors programme statistics of the year 2020/21. Summary of FISU Ambassadors results. The best practices of action plan implementation.

2021 International Day of University Sport discussions
Date: 19 July 12 pm CEST

Description: During this session participants will learn about the International Day of University Sport (IDUS) and discuss possibilities of celebrations in 2021. It will also give them a chance to share their stories and ideas about IDUS.

FVLA June Session
Date: June 19-20

Description: 2021 is a special year for the FISU Volunteer Leaders. Taking into account the current situation worldwide related to the COVID-19 pandemic and closed borders between countries, it was decided to maintain the online format of the event this year as well.
The introductory block of sessions was held on June 19-20 in the IT Park in Kazan. For the successful implementation of the FISU Student Ambassadors Programme for the 2021/2022 season, the Academy's June educational sessions included an introduction to the International University Sport Federation (FISU), the FISU Student Ambassadors programme and presentations about leadership from guest speakers.

Sustainable sport
Date and Time: 14th May at 4:00pm CEST

Description: This session on Sustainability in sport will be an eye opening interactive session that will open up conversation about what individuals can do to ensure sustainability is present in sport events as well as in everyday lives. International guest speakers will share their experiences and encourage the Student Ambassadors to discover the possibilities of sustainable sport in their countries. Participants in this webinar will have the chance to contribute to a large project relating to sustainability within FISU. Whether you are a Student Ambassador, an Alumni, or a general participant please think about this question prior to the webinar ¨What is the one thing you would do to make an International Day of University Sport event more sustainable?¨

Event for: FVLA Alumni / FISU Student Ambassadors/ FVLA 2021 candidates
Clean sport
Date and Time: 16th April at 4:00pm CEST

Description: This session on Clean Sport will be an engaging an interactive session that will look to explore the concept of Clean Sport, mainly from the perspective of the participating Student Ambassadors and their roles within their countries and universities. They will also experience a exercises from a program that has been tailored for university students and student athletes to support them to intervene and provide support when they may become aware of doping related issues.

Event for: FVLA Alumni / FISU Student Ambassadors/ FVLA 2021 candidates
Presentation of FISU scholarship at the Russian International Olympic University
Date and Time: 25th March at 2:00pm CET

Description: The session will be live from various locations (Sochi, Lausanne, Johannesburg and Kazan). You will join a live tour from University and its facilities including OVAL (Olympic Virtual Athletic Land) and have a chance to ask questions from University staff and RIOU alumni, inclusive of FISU Student Ambassadors

Event for: FVLA Alumni / FISU Student Ambassadors/ FVLA 2021 candidates

Link: Instagram, website ( the button below will be active on the day of the event)
Mental Health
Date and Time: 19th March at 4:00pm CET

Description: To deliver a cross-cutting approach on promotion, protection and restoration of the mental well being of our students and athletes. It will enhance their ability to cope with the normal stresses of life, work productivity, adapting and dealing with life changes and challenges. More awareness about mental health will be created as the students will also share their experiences with the same and especially how they have been dealing with the lockdown.

Event for: FVLA Alumni and FISU Student Ambassadors

Link: Instagram, website ( the button below will be active on the day of the event)
Webinar on "Coping with Covid19 as FISU Student Ambassadors"
Date and Time: 14th February at 4:00pm CET

Description: A robust discussion on events and challenges faced by FISU Student Ambassadors due to the COVID 19 pandemic. The webinar, will among other, focus on various interventions utilised in order to achieve their Action Plan objectives

Event for: FVLA Alumni and FISU Student Ambassadors

Link: Instagram, website ( the button below will be active on the day of the event)
Webinar on Social Media Marketing
Date and Time: 29th January at 4:00pm CET

Description: This webinar will enhance the knowledge of social media marketing. You will get acquainted with tips and trick on Instagram, free promotion tools, applications for photo and video editing as well as content types and stories making

Event for: FVLA Alumni and FISU Student Ambassadors

Link: Instagram, website
Name: New Year's Party
Date & Time: 23rd December at 3:00pm CET

Description: During this informal webinar you will be able to get acquainted with celebrations of Christmas and New Year in different countries, play a thematic quiz, sing, dance and have fun. Let's celebrate together the upcoming winter holidays

Event for: FISU Student Ambassadors and FVLA Аlumni

Link: Please click on the button below or find it in Instagram @fisuambassadors
Name: Volunteering
Date & Time: 18th December at 3:00pm CET

Description: This webinar will enhance the knowledge of volunteers and how they can effectively carryout their tasks. It will also give them a chance to share their volunteering experiences and an insight into what their national federations or continental federations have on Volunteering

Event for: Everyone

Link: Please click on the button below or find it in Instagram @fisuambassadors
Name: Gender Equality in University Sport
Date & Time: 30th November at 3pm CET

Description:In this webinar FISU Student Ambassadors will learn about the work of the Gender Equality Committee and discuss gender equality topics

Event for: FISU Student Ambassadors and FVLA alumni

Link: Invitation only via email
Name: FISU Student Ambassadors Q&A
Date & Time: 7 October 2020 at 1.30 CEST

Description: In this webinar FISU Student Ambassadors will have the opportunity to ask questions about the FVLA, the Ambassador Programme and how to complete their action plans.

Event for: FISU Student Ambassadors only

Link: Invitation only via email
Name: International Day of University Sport with FISU Student Committee
Date & Time: 20 September 2020

Description: The FISU Student Committee kicked off its first activity on IDUS. They invited student representatives, Student Ambassadors and interest university students to an open session. During this session the members introduced themselves, spoke about how to organise IDUS event but also about student participation.

Event for: Open to all

Link: Registration required